Push! Two more sprints remaining!
My legs are aching, I’m not sure I can go anymore.
Push! One more sprint remaining!
I’m starting to cramp up a bit. This is really uncomfortable but I can’t stop now.
Done! Well done!
If you are reading this as an athlete, then you will be very familiar with these words; with this feeling. These are your innermost thoughts during one of the toughest times every athlete goes through, also known as, Pre Season. Pre season is a time to really get in top shape for the gruesome season ahead. A good pre season means your body will have durability. You will be able to recover faster physically and mentally during the season.
In life, there are times when it might feel like a preseason. This particular stage in life is always preparing us for an upcoming phase. Preseason is a tough period. It’s not necessarily fun either. Despite the discomfort that comes with these times, preseason is necessary! You begin your new season without fear of injuries and or a breakdown because of what you endured throughout preseason.
So if you are going through an uncomfortable phase in your life right now, grow through it. It’s temporary; it’s ONLY preseason. Your season is just around the corner. Soon, you will reap the rewards from all the discomfort you’re feeling now!
Rise Above the challenge
PreSeason is a tough time, our facial expression tells it all