Imperfection is defined by Google Dictionary as "a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature". In my own words, being imperfect means being a human being. We are all human, therefore, we all have imperfections. Nobody's perfect; that's a fact.
We reside in a social media world that allows us to be able to put filters on everything. We depict to our thousands of followers, at least 80% of whom we do not even know, that our lives are always awesome and that we are truly happy and at peace. Even during depressing phases of our lives, we are able to disguise it and just put a filter on it; Valencia is my personal favorite on Instagram. It just gives you the "right amount of brightness". Social media likes and comments we get release dopamine into our systems and dopamine is the same addictive "feel good chemical" which is released into our bodies when we drink alcohol, smoke and even gamble. This is why most of us are addicted to social media and the saddest part of it all is that most of us are unaware of our addiction; imperfection.
We live in a generation where self esteem is at its lowest and where admitting to being flawed is seen as weakness. I recently met a well know public figure whose vibe did not feel as authentic in person as it did when I'd like their pictures and the deep captions they so often put under those pictures. Not to mention the fact that they looked absolutely nothing like their pictures. I can't say I was surprised but I was left slightly disappointed from the experience.
Readers, it is okay to be imperfect. Embrace the fact that you're here on Earth striving to be the best version of you that you can be. It takes amazing strength to look yourself in the mirror everyday and know that you're imperfect but you are better today than you were yesterday. I'm currently in the process of learning to do more of that and I encourage you to do the same. We might take steps backwards at times but it's okay. Like Kendrick Lamar says, "We gon' be alright" . We are imperfect; we are human beings.
"There would be no need for love if perfection were possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being different and always in need of the forgiveness, encouragement and that missing half of ourselves that we are searching for, as the Greek myth tells us, in order to complete ourselves". Eugene Kennedy